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Welcome page & registration instructions
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Joined: Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:28 pm

Welcome! Please read to join!

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Clan McAlister of America (CMA) is a society of like-minded individuals devoted to researching the world-wide genealogy of the family McAlister (all spellings).

You are welcome to join our discussion boards if you have an interest in this research. However, we ask that you register for a user id and password to do so. Registration is free. Simply click on the "registration" link in the upper right corner and complete the form. (NOTE: Upper and lower case in your user name and password must be adhered to.) Also, please read and abide by the forum rules ("Forum rules" in the pink banner above).

Once you have registered, your account must be activated by a system admin before you can log in. This is required to help identify spammers. Activation of your account will occur within 2-3 days. If you need activation faster, send an email requesting activation to forums@clanmcalister.org; include your user name.

If you are a CMA member (or might become one), consider creating your user id using your first name, middle initial, and last name separated by underscores ("_") -- up to 30 characters. [For example, John Q. Smith would be John_Q_Smith.] If your userid/name is already in use, you can simply add a number at the end (John_Q_Smith2). This will help other members coordinate your comments across platforms (e.g., forums, genealogy database, website, Facebook, Wiki). In addition, when you create your account, you will be able to add a "signature block" to help identify yourself in postings.

Please follow the general rules of courtesy and protocol for on-line forums. No bad language, be polite, and try to be concise in your postings.

If you have problems registering or after your registration, send an email to forums@clanmcalister.org describing the issue and providing error messages or screen shots of system messages, as appropriate.
Michael L. Stewart
CMA Webmaster
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